Weather: Choose Your Own by The Weatherladies

March 3, 2017By LielieCourage, Green, Hope, Letting Go, Play, Possibility, Sparkle, Weatherladies, Wisdom 2 Comments

*Weatherlady | Elegant Human-Bhoomie hybrid creature with an extendable neck. Chooses the weather based on what she would like to wear today.Now, we already know that Bhoomieland is a magical place that sometimes (when you look closely) reflects the inner landscapes of human beings. Every now and again new creatures appear. I’m a big fan … Read More

How The Dragonfly Got His Joy Back

April 7, 2015By ZellieFriendship, Hope, Love, Possibility, Sparkle

Once there lived a beautiful dragonfly with painted wings of violet and ochre, a flying work of art. For the dragonfly, flying was the most joyful thing. Hovering through the air, free to explore all the breezes in the sky, the dragonfly thought that nothing else could ever make his heart feel as happy. One … Read More

Illuminate Yourself Inside and Out

October 30, 2014By ZellieLetting Go, Musings, Sparkle, Wisdom

We are all affected by the power of light. I’m affected by the glow I receive from the sun in your night time, and you’re affected when it reflects on my surface so Earth can dance in moonlight – but this reflection is only possible because of the rock that makes up my core. Similarly, … Read More

A New-Moon Beginning

October 9, 2014By ZellieBalance, Change, Friendship, Green, Letting Go, Musings, Sparkle

Being the moon is my most favourite thing to be. What can be better than hanging around at night, dancing with Earth’s waves in the glamorous shine parties thrown by the best disco lights in the universe – the stars? But my life hasn’t always been moon-juice cocktails and satellite songs, around the time of … Read More

Samson’s Safari Cake For One Recipe

August 11, 2014By ZellieBalance, Courage, Sparkle

Ingredients: 1  Teaspoon of Lion pride 2  Pages of poetry (self-written is best) ½ Teaspoon of Kalahari dust 5cm Zebra stripe (black or white) 120g Bhoomie sparkle and 1 almighty roar! Method: Carefully transfer the Bhoomie sparkle into a large bowl, make sure you don’t spill any, otherwise your kitchen will start dancing (if you … Read More

True Value Is Only Visible Through Heart Goggles

June 19, 2014By ZellieBelief, Change, Love, Musings, Sparkle

  For June, our lovely Bhoomie book of the month is The Little Prince.  It’s a magical tale of a small, golden-haired prince who lives on an asteroid surrounded by three volcanoes and one beautiful rose. He loves the rose dearly, but decides to travel on to new asteroids where he meets plenty of colourful characters. One character, … Read More