Soul-Searching Bhoomie

Bhoomie Katie the Librarian

Some Bhoomies are born searchers of soulful things. They see the world in all its colour and also notice those bits that could use a bit more colour. They use other Bhoomie-sharings (books) to examine their beliefs and motives, because they know that what they hold true at this moment is only true in relation to what they know now. Our SOUL-SEARCHING Bhoomie has made the calculation long ago (Me + Other Bhoomie Sharings = A better me). 

B - Bhoomie
O - Openness,
O - Oddities &
K - Knowledge
S - Sharings

Bhoomie Question for You
What is holding you back?

Bhoomie Secret Share
The Bhoomies add a little joy to their bowling balls (this makes for some exciting matches against the Joy-breakers).

Green tip
Be a friend to the ocean and go plastic free. Start by using reusable shopping bags for all your purchases. 

Bhoomie Book Club
‘The Fire-Starter Sessions’ by Danielle Laporte

 Sing-along Soul Song
‘Fire of Freedom’ by Matisyahu